Sunday Nuts

From The Past: December 16, 2007

This morning I had a surprise conversation. You may want to refresh your memory with this post where I wrote about a wife bringing a horrendous book to my mother while her husband waited in the car.

Well, the husband walked up and asked me, “Do you still have the book we brought to your mother or did you throw it away?”

I was taken aback by this question, but told him that no, I had not thrown it away and my dad would have to get it for him. He said, “If you’ll just leave it on the porch, I’ll come and pick it up.”

I wonder why he asked me if I threw it away. Not that I wouldn’t mind shredding the thing to pieces. I don’t think anyone should read that book, but it would seem that “The Baptist Grapevine” – the pastor’s term, not mine – is hard at work. Mom didn’t ask for the book and if he was that worried about it, he shouldn’t have passed it along to complete strangers. Mom didn’t even recognize their names!

Something else has come to my attention recently in regards to mom. Someone is passing along a rumor that she only has three more months to live. Why in the world would someone say something like that? When mom was questioned about the rumor, she was totally taken by surprise. It made her feel as though everyone else knew something that she didn’t. What a horrible feeling this must have been. I know I felt awful for her.

I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of nuts out there and you just have to keep your mind on your own business.

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