From The Past: October 20, 2007
One of my nieces, Sydnee, is in the hospital.
I thought we had seen the last of the University of Kentucky for a while and then BOOM; today we were right back in the same parking garage, staring at the same buildings we stare at when mom is there.
Sydnee had to have an emergency appendectomy operation because she had a perforated and abscessed appendix.
The photo below (her mom gave me permission to show it) makes me want to cry. I asked her if Aunt Tami could take her picture, and she immediately smiled as big as she could when I pointed the camera her way.
The tubing you see in her nose is a Nasogastric Tube commonly referred to as a NG tube. This tube removes the toxins from her stomach.
She looked at me and asked, “You came to visit me?” I think with her Nene being in the hospital so much, it’s a little hard for her to think of people visiting her in the hospital. She’s only six.
She is expected to be in the children’s hospital for the next five days. My sweet little niece.