Weight Loss Numbers

From The Past: October 14, 2007

Kevin went from 250 pounds to 169 pounds. That’s a total weight loss of 81 pounds. I went from 214 pounds to 143 pounds. That’s a total weight loss of 71 pounds.

It still is hard for this to sink in my head though. 71 pounds is a lot of weight. This morning I tried on about five skirts. Each one fell to the floor when I put them on, so I figured I could get away with wearing a pair of dress pants. No such luck. Kevin said they looked more like lounging pants because the legs were so baggy. I honestly never thought my legs were big before, but I guess they were because those pants used to be kind of tight in the legs.

It’s odd when you lose weight in places where you didn’t know you had it to lose. My fingers, the backs of my arms, my shoulders, legs, feet; FEET for crying out loud! This morning I had to walk carefully in my shoes so they wouldn’t slip off! Who thinks of their feet getting smaller with weight loss?!

Now comes the hard part: the maintenance. I will let you know every so often how we are doing.


We visited with mom again today while she was receiving her chemo. She seemed a little tired (Don’t we all love naps – and it was afternoon!), but other than that, she looks and sounds great. She has a very positive outlook.

From The Past: October 15, 2007

11:00 AM

Don’t you just love payday?! Kevin gets paid every two weeks, so certain bills are paid on the 15th and others on the 30th. I like knowing that I don’t owe anyone for a little while. When I pay that electric bill, I enjoy the fact that I don’t have to pay it again for another month. It settles my mind and it makes me happy. I am happy and grateful we have the money to pay those bills.

Now that I am talking about this, I am thinking not many people talk about money on their blogs. I know it is a very private matter and I agree. I don’t tell people how much money we make (even in surveys), but I don’t mind talking about our general bills. I guess people have certain bills they consider private also though. I mean, I’m not going to make a laundry list of our bills, but if someone asked me about something specific, I wouldn’t mind answering.

I consider tax money private. If you want to tell me how much you got back on your taxes, that’s fine, but don’t expect anything from me.

It shocks me how many people disclose how much money they make on their MySpace page. I believe most of them are lying. I really do. And do you really want some creepy person looking at that number who only cares about how much money you make? I’m sure there are people out there who look for that high number and then try to make friends with them.

In any case, I feel settled. I have paid the bills, gone to the bank, filled the car up with gas, and gotten what we really needed from Wal-Mart. I love going to Wal-Mart or any store for that matter in the morning. There’s hardly anyone else there and you get the run of the store. The check-out process is also a gift; no lines!

1 PM

Boy, how a few hours can change everything!

Mom was supposed to come home today, but last night she had a high fever. The nurse told dad this morning she had been throwing up and was very sick. They have taken blood for lab tests so see what is wrong, but those haven’t come back yet. They are giving her antibiotics. Needless to say, she will not come home this day. As of now, they have given her something and she is sleeping deeply.


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