
From The Past: October 11, 2007

This morning the smell of peanut butter aroused my nose as I drove past the place where JIF peanut butter is made on Winchester Road. Since peanut butter is so high in calories, I don’t get to eat much of it, but I can smell it all I want.

I’m sure this smell awakens the people’s senses that live in this area. I know if I lived around there, I would breathe deeper every time I walked out the door.


I spent a good part of the day with mom. I took her a tuna fish sandwich for lunch because she hates the hospital food. We talked, read the Herald-Leader, and played Skip-Bo. She won the first hand and I won the second. She got really tired after that and asked me to rub her face. She said, “I’m spoiled.”

I know how she feels though. I am spoiled too.

Tonight as Ashley and I walked, it was nice to have the leaves crunching beneath our feet as the smell of dryer sheets wafted through the air. It was cold enough for her to wear a hoodie and me to wear a jacket. Fall temperatures have finally arrived along with the changing colors.

For a while, I thought fall had skipped us this year. We can decorate all we want, but if the temperature stays in the 80’s all day, it’s hard to accept that it’s October. With the way it was tonight, I can finally see myself making huge pots of chili and vegetable soup.


I need to add something to the list of things that set Guido off.

Inflatable Gargoyles:

He doesn’t like them.

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