Screening Calls

From The Past: September 29, 2007

I heard something today that I disagree with.

It was heavily implied that using an answering machine to screen ones calls is lying and sets a bad example for the children.

I use my answering machine to screen my calls and I do not consider it lying at all. My answering machine is in a woman’s voice and she simply says, “Please leave your message after the tone.”

Now how is that lying? How is that setting a bad example?

Because I don’t want to deal with recruiters or telemarketers or I don’t have time to have a 45 minute conversation with someone who does have the time to chat all day doesn’t make me a liar.

The point was supposed to be you shouldn’t have your kids lie for you if you don’t want to come to the phone. This was said, but then the answering machine was also given as an example and I thought it was silly and a totally different situation.

Please leave your message after the tone.”

That is a command, not a statement; not a lie.

One Reply to “Screening Calls”

  1. My phone isn’t a leash.  I’ll come when I choose.  I think it’s more polite to let the call go to voicemail and call back when I have the time instead of answering and telling the caller I don’t have the time or want to talk.  Also,  vm is far nicer than I would be to a telemarketer that won’t take no for an answer 

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