Not Enough Marbles

From The Past: September 27, 2007

Since moms return home from the hospital, she has been receiving two drugs intravenously: Merrem and Vancomycin. Home health has been there to teach her and dad how to hook the bags up properly. The doctors said one cause of her hospitalization was a strand of E. Coli. She seems to be fine now.

Here is some breed of spotted bird I saw out their kitchen window this afternoon:

Before I grabbed my camera there were four Blue Jays playing together. FOUR! I knew as soon as I had my camera in hand they would all disappear and that is exactly what happened.

Check out what Andrew unearthed a few days ago:

Yes, I am guilty of this monstrous creation which was supposed to resemble a cluster of grapes. There is a marble missing at the very bottom. I must have lost a few marbles to think this was art. At least I can say I was 12 when I made it.

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