She Won!

From The Past: September 17, 2007

It’s hard for me to believe I am now going through the same things with Ashley, I went through with Andrew concerning braces. I had hoped with Ashley having perfect little baby teeth, she would not need braces at all, but we had no such luck. Her teeth are slightly crooked, crowded, and she has an overbite. So much for saving money. Unfortunately, we do not have dental insurance.

We were just in the office last Monday getting a band put back on. This Saturday, a different band came off; one that her headgear fits into, so we are due back in the office this morning. I’m glad I chose an orthodontist located in Winchester this time. I chose someone in Lexington for Andrew, so for five years we drove to Lexington on Nicholasville Road (which has very heavy traffic) every time something broke which was quite often. Ashley just had her braces put on over the summer so I hope these bands coming off are just a fluke and will not happen often. She is very careful putting her headgear in and she watches what she eats, so I don’t think there should be problems.


I am back from Ashley’s appointment and I have no complaints. It didn’t take five minutes to put the band back on and get this – she won a $25 gift certificate for Wal-Mart for completing a puzzle in the waiting room.

Each month they have puzzles to complete or pictures to color and then they draw one puzzle or picture from a basket to see who the winner is. Ashley just happened to win this one. She was so happy she could hardly contain herself. Andrew’s orthodontist never did this.


Over at mom’s house while in the mist of doing laundry, wrapping birthday presents, and bringing down fall decorations from the attic, the Markey called and informed her she needed platelets and needed them right then.

So, off we went and she got her platelets. They rechecked her count afterwards and the number was good. She has to be there again tomorrow morning for blood. Unfortunately, this looks like the norm after receiving chemo – at least for her it is.

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