Smile At Me

From The Past: September 16, 2007

These are the fabulous earrings Ashley and I bought yesterday at Claire’s.

Since I am a huge fan of the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, I bought these:

If you bought two pairs, you got a third pair free, so we kind of HAD to pick out two other pairs:

When we took Guido for his walk last night, I spotted a little green creature making its way across the road. I love the tobacco worms, so I picked the little creature up and brought him home.

I think it’s a caterpillar of some sort, but I’m not sure. I do not think this is a tobacco worm because first off, it’s not near as big as the tobacco worms I have encountered and secondly, it does not have the horny areas over its entire back.

Kevin took these photos on his hand and arm:

These photos were not doctored in any way. With that said, I want you to look at the head of the caterpillar in this photo:

Do you see the eyes and sad mouth?! Totally cool. I mean, I hope he’s not sad. Maybe I should be looking for him to smile at me.

Do you think if I listen very closely he will recite?

How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail. And pour the waters of the Nile, on every golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin, how neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes little fishes in, with gently smiling jaws. ~ Alice In Wonderland


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