If I Knew You Were Coming, I’d Have Baked A Cake

From The Past: September 13, 2007

I walked in mom’s house to find her making a cake:

I was delighted to say the least that she was doing what I consider a happy thing. When it was finished, she let me frost and decorate it. I put all different colored sprinkles on it and labeled it “A Rainbow Cake”.

I hope she eats a big piece tonight and I hope it tastes good to her. Since the chemo, her taste buds have changed tremendously and nothing has quite the same flavor it did before.


I love watching squirrels run around mom’s backyard. I don’t have many trees around my house, so I don’t get to watch them enough.

After taking that photo, mom gave me some sunflower seeds and I filled the feeders. Of course as soon as I walked outside, he ran away. I was hoping to get some good photos of him eating, but he never returned.

Mom beat me in a game of Skip-Bo, but then I beat her (only by two moves) at Chinese Checkers:

We had to use one black marble and one white marble because we didn’t have enough!

We sat on the deck for a little while and walked around the yard so mom could see her flowers. She wore a mask because her counts are low right now, but I know she enjoyed getting out.


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