
From The Past: August 4, 2007

Before seeing mom at the hospital, we visited with some friends and got a tour of their new condo over in the Hamburg area. I was very impressed with it, even though they have certain rules they must follow outdoors. They told us they are not allowed to fence in their yard, they are not allowed to have any toys or swing sets outside, they cannot have company vehicles parked outdoors, and they must clean up their dog’s droppings.

However, seeing that the yard is mowed for them, you can better understand those rules pertaining to swing sets, toys, fencing, and dog poo. Personally, I don’t have any issue with their HOA rules.

This is Otis:

He is the newest family member of our friends and he is just eleven months old. He loves to bark at everything and everyone and is a total hoot. His tongue is as long as his tail and is perpetually hanging out the side of his mouth.

His new parents believe he was abused because they have never met a pug that didn’t take a natural liking to people. He was living with two young boys which could explain a lot. Otis is very cautious and it took him quite a while to warm up to us.

I think he liked Kevin the best:


Mom was feeling good. She and my aunt had eaten delivery from Columbia Steak House the previous night and she had just finished some Pizza Hut before we arrived this afternoon. She doesn’t like the hospital food at all.

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