One Movie

From The Past: August 2, 2007

I helped mom pack some things for her stay in the hospital beginning tomorrow morning. Even though she is in remission, she still has to have “maintenance chemotherapy”.

Her doctor will be out of town tomorrow, so she will probably get the results of her CAT scan on Monday or Tuesday.


I only watched one movie during the month of July:

7-19-07 The Pursuit of Happyness – This was a very enjoyable movie to watch.

The movie stars Will Smith and his real life son, Jaden. Will plays a dad who has a job with no potential and cannot pay the rent. He does everything he can to keep some normalcy in his son’s life while trying to better his situation by competing in an internship to be a stockbroker.

We watched this movie as a family. I don’t remember there being anything offensive for kids.


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