In Cahoots

From The Past: August 1, 2007

A few weeks ago while mom was still in the hospital, a woman approached me at church and handed me a bag. She asked me to have mom watch the two videos inside.

I took the bag to the hospital, but mom was feeling lousy at the time and said she didn’t feel like watching them, so I brought them back home. Wanting to return the videos, I decided to watch them for myself so that I could tell the woman I had watched them.

As I listened, I couldn’t believe my ears. These were videos about a woman who years before had had cancer. She had chemotherapy, but finally decided she wanted none of it. She wanted to do things all natural, the way “God intended” for us to do things. She was totally against medicine, doctors and chemotherapy. She was against eating any meat, eggs, fish (which Jesus ate!) or having dairy products. She was all for drinking something like 12 glasses of water each day and 5 glasses of carrot juice. Everything had to be very fresh and this includes juice. She said you couldn’t buy it in a container, because it wasn’t as healthy that way. She said cancer patients needed to be in bed by 9:30 at night, they were not to watch any television, and should listen to only the “highest quality” gospel music. (I wonder when God told her all of this.) She said after patients had their first round of chemotherapy, they quickly began to deteriorate.

This is when I turned the tape off. I couldn’t handle another word of this bunk. I couldn’t believe someone in our church, after seeing mom in the hospital and knowing she had undergone chemotherapy would hand me this load of garbage.

I told dad what was in the tapes and he returned them to the lady the following Sunday morning in church telling her that, “A person should be jailed for giving that to a cancer patient.”

The woman sent mom a card and apologized claiming she hadn’t watched the videos in years. She and her husband sat down and watched the videos together and they were sorry they had loaned them to mom knowing that mom was in fact using modern day medicine. I believed her sincerity and figured she was really sorry.

Now, skip forward to last night when Kevin and I had just mounted mom and dad’s front steps, a car pulled in the driveway. A lady got out while her husband waited in the driver’s seat. She introduced herself and I told her I was Sharon’s daughter. She said, “Well, I just wanted to share this with her” as she handed me a book. She said it was all about a natural cure and she said she had even printed off testimonials from people who had gone this route and lived to tell about it. I said to her, “You know mom is doing chemotherapy?”

“Oh that doesn’t matter,” she replied, “some of these people had three rounds of chemo and then switched to this diet and were cured.” I told her we would give it to mom and watched her leave.

I left the book in mom’s care last night, but took it to read when I took her to her CAT scan this afternoon. Believe it or not, this is the same crap that was in those videos.

The people who wrote this book believe:

* Diseases are being caused and made worse by salt, white sugar, eggs, meat, dairy, hydrogenated oils, white flour, and any processed foods.

* A person should only ingest living, raw fruits and vegetables – no cooked meat or they will get sick and have physical problems. Cooked food is dead and has no nutritional value. Steamed or cooked vegetables such as baked potatoes or bread should be eaten in moderation and only with the evening meal. (Do you think God told them mornings were a bad time for steamed green beans?)

* People cause their own sicknesses and diseases through their eating choices.

* Cancer patients die when they are given radiation, drugs, or have surgery. (Did they think mom would enjoy reading this?)

* Remove breakfast from your diet.

* Drugs of any kind are prohibited, even insulin for diabetics, because they believe drugs lead to other problems within the body for which you need even more drugs. Drugs are poison.

* If you only eat raw foods there will be no depression, no weight problems and life will become exhilarating.

* When we get sick because we have eaten commercial food and not the food of God, we then go to the doctor who gives us poisons as treatments. These treatments were never designed by God and only make things worse. (Who gave the doctors the knowledge if it was not God?)

* Surgical removal of anything from the body to help cure something that is wrong is forbidden. (I guess that little old lady who sits in front of me in church and just had a kidney removed because it was bad was wrong for doing so? She was just supposed to leave something in her body that was causing it harm?)

* Animal products and the fat in animal products cause: osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, strokes and much more.

* Arthritis is caused by eating a fatty diet.

* Do not drink fruit juice or any juice that is in a container. Fruit juice is full of sugar and juice in containers has been heated.

* The body begins to break down when we begin ingesting cooked foods even as early as childhood. This breakdown occurs through swollen glands and tonsils, earaches, colic, colds, etc. When a youngster gets bigger, we see this breakdown through pimples, poor eyesight, or cavities. As adults, there is much disease, illness, and sickness when we eat cooked foods.

* We do not inherit disease or health problems via genes, but through not eating God’s natural foods. (I guess all those geneticists are just idiots, huh.)

* If we ingest things such as distilled water (they say filtered water does not count because it isn’t pure), dehydrated barley juice powder and carrot juice we will not be sick and we will live longer.

* They argue that since the body is made from the dust of the ground, we should eat raw foods to keep our health up.

* You should never drink anything with your meal.

* No caffeine!

* Herbs are not to be used all the time. If they need to be used regularly, the person needs to change his/her diet.

* You have disobeyed God’s laws if you eat anything other than raw foods and you will get sick. They want 75% to 85% of your diet to be raw fruits and vegetables. Seeds, nuts, breads, and some cooked vegetables are allowed, but only in moderation.

* Cancer is caused by improper lifestyles and diet. (This sounds like what they told gay people about AIDS.)

* Meat causes the onset of diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer, gout, arthritis, and much more.

* Soups should only be eaten cold and raw. (Don’t you just crave cold soup?)

There is a chart that shows how people before the flood, not eating cooked foods or meat, lived to be 900 years old. After the flood, when meat and cooked food were introduced to the diet, the life span dropped rapidly down to today’s 70-80 years old.

While God did at one point tell them not to eat meat, He later on told them it was okay to eat everything. This entire book is based on when He told them they could not eat meat.

This is that verse from the New International Version:

Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”

The people who wrote this book interpret this as the end-all verse for food. However, if you read on in Genesis 9:3, after the flood, God tells Noah:

“Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.”

Even in the chapter notes of my Bible it says,

“Meat would now supplement mankind’s diet.”

Also, in Exodus 12:8, God said to Moses and Aaron in regards to the Passover,

“That same night they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs, and bread made without yeast.”

They are actually going against what God told His people.

In the book, they say it is too late for us to live much longer lives because we have eaten poorly and had bad lifestyles. Are they trying to say that if I left this outline for Ashley’s children and her children lived by everything they said, they would live to be over 200 years old?! Hmm, who sounds crazy here?

In regards to surgery and drugs: When our pastor came in the hospital room and prayed with my mom, he thanked the Lord for the doctors and their knowledge. To me, this was his acknowledgment and agreement that doctors are a good thing. Medicine is a good thing. Surgery is a good thing. His own mother just got out of the hospital for a broken hip and you can’t tell me she didn’t have surgery and they didn’t give her pain medication AKA: DRUGS.

It amazes me that our pastor can believe one thing while a few people that sit in his congregation have such a radically different view; an insane view. Maybe it would make these women who gave me this material think for a minute if he did a sermon on the subject.

Oh, and do I think these two women are in cahoots together? You betcha 😉

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