Guido Guest Blogs

From The Past: July 31, 2007

There were these black dogs when we went for my walk and I did not like them, even though I like everyone:

Since I know I am bigger than them, I decided to bark my head off and scare them away:

In the picture below you can tell how mad I was because all the hairs that run down the middle of my back are standing straight up and have changed color:

Some people might think that looks neat, but it gives me a funny feeling.

After I chased that dog away, I had to run and find a place to poop. After all that barking, I guess I barked the poop to where it had to come out soon.

Luckily, I made it to my usual patch of high, heavenly grass.

That is the end of my story. I hope you liked it.

My warning to black dogs behind fences: BEWARE and BE SCARED of GUIDO DA PUG!

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