This & That

From The Past: July 21, 2007

While we were walking Guido tonight, I noticed his cute little shadow and had to show it to you.

When we first started our walk, he was watching his shadow and I guess waiting to see what it was going to do. When it did whatever he did, he ignored it.


Mom has been told for the past three days she may get to go home. We had high hopes that Sunday would definitely be that day, however I just got off the phone with her and she has another fever and feels very nauseous. They have already told her she will not come home tomorrow. This has to be depressing for her. It is for us.


The new Harry Potter book was released at midnight tonight (Friday night … I am typing this at 1:38 AM), so Kevin and Ashley stood in a line at Wal-Mart to get a copy. Kevin said there were at least 50 people in front of him (it’s hard to tell that from the picture below) and another hundred or so behind him.

He got a free poster and three bracelets along with his purchase:

The green bracelet says, Slytherin. The blue says, Ravenclaw and the yellow says, Hufflepuff. There were also red bracelets that had Gryffindor on them, but they were set aside for people who had stopped in earlier to reserve a copy of the book. There were only so many, so Kevin didn’t get one of those. I am happy with what we got though. I didn’t expect any freebies.

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