Another Stroll

From The Past: July 18, 2007

Mom had her bone marrow biopsy on Tuesday and they told us it would take two days to get the results. Honestly, I am not expecting to hear anything until Friday or even Monday.

Today I took in our YAHTZEE game to play along with her. I have also been bringing in photos for us to look at. I plan to take different DVD’s too.

I think I will be safe in taking shorter TV shows instead of full length movies. I bought her The Golden Girls, which she loves, but never really got the chance to sit down and watch. I may take that or The Waltons. Since we spend so much time with her, it’s nice to have different activities to choose from.

Today she suggested walking around the hall, so that is exactly what we did. It tired her out, but I know she was proud of herself. She tries so hard to please everyone.

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