Chalk & Pills

From The Past: July 12, 2007

Mom had another great day today. She was perkier, more talkative, sat up more and moved around more. I took a great picture of her, but I’m sure she wouldn’t want me posting it. One of her cousins visited and she enjoyed getting caught up on the family.

She ate scrambled eggs this morning. That is a big deal because she wasn’t able to eat much of anything for the past week or so.

Because of the chemotherapy she developed some sore spots in her mouth and food didn’t taste the same. The doctor told us it takes about a week for the physical effects of chemotherapy to wear off. Today is the eighth day since her last chemotherapy treatment, so her appetite is beginning to return.

It was sad though, here it was around lunch time and she was hungry. Instead of eating, she had to drink a bottle of a chalky substance called Barium Sulfate Suspension because she was having a CAT scan later that afternoon.

After drinking about half, the nurse brought in a pill that she needed to take. Mom said, “So this (pointing to the white liquid) hasn’t made me throw up yet, so now you’re giving me this (the pill).”

She still has her sense of humor and she cracks me up.

She didn’t end up getting the CAT scan for some time and missed dinner. Dad brought her some Chicken Mc Nuggets, but she couldn’t eat much. I firmly believe she will get better and better every day.

  • The doctor said they will look on a national registry to find a donor that matches.
  • She is not in need of any blood donations at this time. I will let you know if that changes.

I appreciate everyone wanting to do something special for her. I know it’s hard to know what to do or say, and I know you want to do something, but she is happy to know that you all are praying for her.

She also appreciates the emails I print out and read to her. I think she realizes she has many, many people who are supporting her.

This was the sight we saw as we left today:

It’s a different world over there. While you’re going through walkway after walkway and in between buildings, you get the feeling you’re in another world.

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