I Want To Be There

From The Past: July 10, 2007

Our days now consist of long visits at the hospital, walking, and eating in between. We have been swimming at night twice, but it’s very hard to go from mode one: solemn and pensive to mode two: happy and energetic, but I do it for Ashley. She is such a trooper as she spends time at the hospital with us and wants to help and please her Nene as much as possible. I want her to have some fun over her summer break though, so if swimming fits the bill, I will gladly do that.

Mom was kind of groggy today. They are giving her something for nausea which causes drowsiness, plus a pain medication for her back. I’m sure her back hurts from being in the bed most of the day. We did different things together though and we get the chance to talk a lot which I love.

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