O2 Levels

From The Past: July 6, 2007

Today when I went in, the nurse informed me that I no longer needed to wear a mask. I think that’s okay for family or people who are absolutely certain they are not sick. Otherwise, it would still be nice for people to wear a mask if they will be up in mom’s face. I feel this way because she still has no immune system.

In the CCU, she was on 3 liters of oxygen. When I left yesterday, it was still at 3 liters. This morning, they had reduced it to 2 liters. This afternoon, they reduced it even more to 1 ½ liters. She is very close to what they call “room air”. This means she doesn’t need any additional oxygen at all. She will be thrilled when this happens because she is sick of having an oxygen tube under her nose. Also, she is not allowed to blow her nose because there is a risk of a nose bleed (her platelets are low). It is hard to imagine going a week without blowing your nose!

The nurse mentioned they normally do another bone marrow biopsy at day 14. That day will come too soon in mom’s opinion, but this is the only way they can tell if the cancer is truly in remission.


Since we have been with Mom, I kind of forgot all about the holiday and celebrations. Before we found out about Mom, I took this picture of Guido to post on the 4th, but forgot about it. So here, he is in all his glory:

Happy belated 4th of July everyone!

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