A Slumber Party

From The Past: June 2, 2007

Ashley’s birthday is tomorrow and she wanted to have a slumber party, so she had some friends over last night.

Here they are in the pool:

Ali, Traci, Ashley, & Aimee

I wondered while the girls swam: can you have too many floats in the pool?

I got my answer when Ali found a use for them!

She rolled her way all around the pool. It was hilarious!

They ate pizza, put on make-up, played three different board games, watched Nanny McPhee, ate popcorn, cupcakes, and chewed gum, ate suckers, and played “house” (this involves a lot of screaming “babies” – the girls).

When they were playing House, I asked them who the daddy was, and one of them said, “He fell down the steps and died.” I won’t tell which one of them came up with that response!

They were all up past 4 AM, however Kevin and I turned in around midnight. I did awake occasionally to squeals and feet pattering down the hallway, but quickly went back to sleep.

This morning, I got them all up to eat doughnuts and get their stuff ready for home. Believe it or not, the house wasn’t too bad off and it was a quick clean up. Now we just need to make it through her party tomorrow afternoon.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the gifts! She got $30 total cash, pajamas, and a goodie bag full of candy, body butter, lotion, gum, make-up, bubbles and much more.


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