A Lesson

Kevin told me the following true story about one of his coworkers.

The friend and his wife, Frank and Marie (not their real names) decided they were going on a diet so they wanted to get rid of all the Little Debbie’s in the house. Apparently, there were several boxes, so Frank, not wanting to waste money, put them in the trunk of his car so that he could lay them on the break room table the following day at work.

Did I mention this was before Christmas?

Time goes by and it is now six months later.

Frank is cleaning out his car. He grabs a handful of various coats and sweaters that have collected in his car over the winter. He brings these into the house to sort and put in the washing machine when all of a sudden, a dead mouse falls from the pile. It’s not just a dead mouse though … it’s so dead that it’s rock hard.

He decides he better investigate this so he looks in the backseat of the car only to see another dead mouse; only this one died standing up on its back heels with its little paws raised. (Maybe it was trying to get Frank’s attention when it suddenly died.) Actually, Frank thinks that unbeknownst to him, he hit it upside the head as he was throwing a pack of 24 Mountain Dew in the backseat.

Opening his trunk again, Frank discovers the culprit of the mice – Little Debbie Cakes … six-month-old Little Debbie’s that have been gnawed on to death.

This story gave me the shivers. I can’t imagine that mouse being right in my backseat while I was driving! I asked Kevin how he thinks they got in and he said that mice could get in anywhere they wanted to – even places no bigger than a quarter.

This was not very reassuring.

I think the lesson here is: Don’t keep food in your car!

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