You Know ….

From The Past: January 11, 2007

I use this make-up every day:

I don’t think it has varied much since I started wearing make-up back in the mid 80’s. The only difference is, I used to wear eye shadow and now I don’t.

The truth is, I don’t feel I need a lot of make-up. I think I look fine the way I am and am comfortable with myself. Of course, there are always those well-meaning people who want to “help” others by giving little tips. These tips always begin with “you know”.

“You know, you would look good with a little lipstick.”


“You know, you should color in your eyebrows. You can’t see them.”

I have even had someone say,

You know, you have a bump right there” as her finger slowly approached my face to point out the spot.

No, I had no idea that a zit was there, but thanks for pointing it out.

My point in showing you my make-up was so I could now show you Ashley’s make-up:

Yes, all of that is hers!

I do have to admit, she looks good in make-up. She applied this herself:

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