Here’s To 2023

Hello there! If you are reading this, I hope you had a safe New Year’s Eve. Kevin and I didn’t do anything special. Which was totally fine with me. Kevin played a game on the computer with Andrew and I worked on videos on my computer.

We did stay up past midnight, but we didn’t watch any firework shows. Normally, I’ll watch TV for several hours (or at least have the TV turned on). As the new year would arrive in other countries, I would watch their firework shows. This year, it never occurred to me to turn the TV on. The good thing is, they are always posted on YouTube, so if I feel like watching later, I can.

I have never attended a New Year’s Eve “party”, although we have gotten together many times with family in the past to have a game night which is really enjoyable.

This year, we had planned to have Andrew and his family over, but the day before, Andrew was sick. A few days prior to him being sick, their daughter Eevee was sick. It wasn’t worth the risk to me, so I told Andrew I would rather they didn’t come.

It may sound selfish, but Kevin and I haven’t been sick at all. Covid went around and then people were getting hit with the Flu. I don’t want any of it. Both Andrew and Eevee just had a 24-hour bug. But, I didn’t want that either.

It actually worked out nice though because Kevin and Andrew were able to play their game for hours. It’s called New World if you are interested.

Here’s to 2023! I hope we all have a safe, prosperous year with lots of adventures!


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