The Same Page

From The Past: December 31, 2006

Years ago, Kevin and I made resolutions for the following year on New Year’s Eve. He would have his sheet of paper and I would have mine. After writing down our resolutions, we would share them with each other and see how many items on the list were the same. Then, we would seal the pages in an envelope and keep them pinned to a bulletin board until the following New Year’s Eve.

We quit making resolutions in 2000. Kevin simply stated that we had been making the same resolutions every year, so why bother. I knew he was right and agreed.

I did, however keep our sheets of those resolutions in their original envelopes and looked at them tonight. Kevin was right; we did make the same resolutions every year:

* Lose weight

* Read more

* Pay off one bill or more

* Decorate a room

* Quit smoking

Those five resolutions were made every year along with a few more.

* Lose weight: We never lost weight. We actually have gained about 30 pounds each.

* Read more: This is one we both have accomplished, especially me. I read more now than I ever have and am very proud of this.

* Pay off one bill or more: Hmmm. This one actually makes me laugh in some sick way. We’re doing well if we don’t ADD more than two bills a year.

* Decorate a room: We accomplished this one. Now I want to redecorate some rooms!

* Quit smoking: In all of our years of making resolutions, we never quit smoking. However, we both did quit smoking four years ago. I have said it many times before: quitting smoking was the hardest thing I have ever done. Some people think I would pick it up again if I had the fancy, but I wouldn’t. I would never want to go through that torment again. Never.

So, our family doesn’t make New Year’s resolutions. If I want to do something, I’ll do it. It doesn’t have to begin at the New Year.

Update 2022

I feel the same way now as I did back then about making resolutions. I don’t have to wait until the New Year to start anything. If I REALLY want to make a change, I will!


2 Replies to “The Same Page

  1. Love this! Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I’ve ever done as well! Did it Feb 2011, it was a New Year’s resolution though. Took a month though! 😝

  2. I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions. And I definitely wouldn’t start now. I feel like in today’s world, we have more than enough weighing on us. The last thing we need (Speaking for myself of course) is more pressure. If anything I will try to be kinder and more gentle with myself.

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