Getting Older

From The Past: December 27, 2006

Since the weather has become colder, when I walk outside, I can literally feel my face tighten and get dry. It’s true. I think this process has been happening the past two years, but this year is worse. If I’m 34 now and it’s this bad, I can’t even imagine how 40 will feel.

I have now started a nighttime beauty process. Before going to bed, I take Vaseline and rub it over my nose, forehead, and cheeks. It’s goopy and it doesn’t feel good, but I know it helps with dry skin.

After this, I use hand lotion (it’s Victoria’s Secret right now) over my heels and elbows. I use a great dollop on my hands for good measure. For some reason, my knuckles have decided they want to be dry all the time also.

Last night, after this nighttime process was complete; I turned on the electric mattress cover. It was cold and I needed to get warm, so I only turned the fan on low. We keep a fan on in our room year-round because we need the noise when we sleep. Those of you accustomed to a fan in the bedroom will understand.

Once the lights were out, I snuggled down in the bed. The pillow was in a perfect position under my head and my body was sheltered from the cold that lay outside the blankets. Mind you, my hair was stuck to my cheek, which was stuck to the pillow because of all the Vaseline I had put there, but I didn’t care. I was ready for sleep.

A short bit later, Ashley decided she wanted to sleep with me. She didn’t stay long though. For one thing, she was freezing and I wouldn’t let her pull the blankets over us because by this time I had gotten hot and removed them. Another thing is, I insist on holding her around her waist. I normally hold a pillow while I sleep, but if she’s going to occupy that space, she has to let me hold her.

I imagine trying to hold her is like trying to keep a live cockroach on a spoon. You can’t do it – or it would be very hard.

After laughing with her for a while, she left. I do think Kevin woke up for a short spurt while we were laughing and shaking the bed because he nudged me with his foot.

And I wonder why I sometimes need a nap during the day!

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