A New Store

From The Past: December 17, 2006

We actually traveled to Hamburg nine days before Christmas. We are very brave. My goal was to finish Christmas shopping today. I don’t want to worry about it anymore.

We went to a new store called Gordmans. I was tempted to buy several things for myself, but I didn’t. It’s too close to Christmas and there’s no telling what has been bought for me, so I will wait. I did find some cute things for other people though.

We visited many stores in that area and traffic wasn’t that bad actually. I think it’s because I traveled the back way as much as possible.

When we got home, we immediately had to do grocery shopping at Wal-Mart:

The menu has been made for Christmas Eve, so we bought that food in addition to our normal groceries. We were able to finish Christmas shopping and stocking stuffers. I am relieved.

The day flew by. We came home and played two rounds of Mall Madness with the kids and now I am ready to relax. Maybe I can get in an hour of reading tonight.

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