Happy Thanksgiving!

From The Past: November 23, 2006

While your family was sitting down to a turkey dinner, we were decorating for Christmas.

No, I haven’t forgotten about Thanksgiving and I am very thankful, but my mom decided we would have our Thanksgiving tomorrow. She has done this in the past and it works for her.

On this Thanksgiving Day I:

* Watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade

* Ate a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, and biscuits

* Dusted the living room in preparation for decorations

* Washed, folded, and put away two loads of clothes

* Ate pizza for dinner

* Decorated the Christmas tree

* Spent time sitting on the couch looking at the Christmas tree

Tonight I will:

* Watch Survivor

* Watch CSI

* Eat cake

* Watch ER

Tomorrow I will:

* Eat turkey

* Play games

* Spend time with family




One Reply to “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Love this! I’ve heard about folks having Thanksgiving on Friday instead! I wonder what made your Mom change it up? Could you please share this on a vlog? I don’t get notifications if you respond here. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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