Toy Craze

From The Past: November 15, 2006

I love my children dearly and I will do many things for them. However, I will not, sit in a line at Wal-Mart for two days waiting for the Playstation 3 to be released.

Let me set the scene for you.

I’m shopping in Wal-Mart this morning around 10 AM when I pass by the electronics department. Over to the side of one isle, people are sitting on foldout chairs. There are about eight of them so far.

I knew they were waiting for the release of the Playstation 3. I thought to myself, maybe it comes out tonight at midnight.

Later, I found out that it would not be released until midnight TOMORROW night – midnight, THURSDAY night.

Are these people insane? Do they have no lives? No responsibilities? No one to cook dinner for?

Personally, I think it’s asinine.

Kevin made a good point. They do have games for this system, but not many of the ones that are specially made for this system have been released. In other words, most of the games available now, will also run on the Playstation 2.

Oh, and did I mention that this game system is $600? Let that sink in.


This reminds me of the Cabbage Patch Kids craze when I was younger. They normally sold for around $25, but you couldn’t find them anywhere. They sold out lightning fast.

One night my dad came home with two Cabbage Patch Kids; one for me and one for my sister. He paid $100 each for them!

My sister’s doll had blonde hair, but I thought mine was prettier. Her name was Genny Leena and she had long, red hair pulled back in pigtails. She was adorable! In the picture below, she looked the the one in the middle row:

This was the envelope she came with:

This was her birth certificate:

Remember the Tickle Me Elmo craze?

How about the Furby craze?

So far, I haven’t wanted something so bad for my children that I would stand in a line for days to get it. I figure if I wait a few months, there will be plenty to go around.

Have you ever waited in line for a toy?

2 Replies to “Toy Craze

  1. Hi Tami! I don’t recall ever waiting in line for a toy. I enjoyed your Cabbage Patch story. I remember in 2nd (3rd?) grade we had a little nook area in our classroom, and all the girls had propped up their cabbage patch dolls against the wall. Come to think of it, I wonder if they planned that.

    I mean, I wonder if they planned it, or if it was just by chance they all happened to bring their new cabbage patch doll to school on the same day. Maybe this was after Christmas. Anyway, I can’t remember:/ . I just remember seeing all of them lined up like a little choir.

    Another big item was the Pound Puppy. I think my sister still has them. I got a grey one.

    Several years ago I remember when I found out a co-worker of mine actually liked going out at 5am on black Fridays. I remember thinking “wow I actually know one of these people now.” I’ve always thought that would be my version of hell.

    Did you ever see the Garbage pale kid cards?

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