October Movies

From The Past: November 1, 2006

It’s November 1st. The Halloween decorations came down at 7 AM this morning and the Thanksgiving decorations will go up in the next hour. I love having one holiday after another to celebrate. It keeps me happy.

Below are the movies I watched in October:

10-2-06 Mean Girls – Ashley had been trying to get me to watch this movie forever. I’m glad I finally watched it. It was very funny and I loved the characters. This is THE movie for high school kids these days.

10-2-06 Cape Fear – I’ve told you how I feel about this movie. It’s freaky and scary too. I love Robert De Niro, but I wouldn’t want to hang out with him at the cape.

10-3-06 Quills – This movie is about the Marquis de Sade (the infamous sex writer) and the events that occur while he is locked away in an insane asylum. Geoffrey Rush was fantastic as the Marquis, but I also loved watching Kate Winslet and Joaquin Phoenix. This is definitely worth seeing.

10-9-06 The Cave – I didn’t get into this movie and neither did Kevin. I think it’s because the entire movie could have wrapped up in 45 minutes. Instead, it went on for an hour and a half. The story line wasn’t there. After an hour, I was just waiting for it to end.

10-9-06 Christmas in Connecticut – This is a romantic comedy from 1945. Even though the title has the word “Christmas” in it, it’s not really that Christmassy; not compared to other Christmas movies I watch every year.

10-10-06 The Mosquito Coast – How long has it been since you watched a movie where Harrison Ford was young? If it’s been too long, you need to rent this movie. He plays an inventor who wants to make a new life for himself and his family right in the middle of a jungle. River Phoenix plays one of his sons.

10-13-06 Friday the 13th – It had been many years since I had seen Jason Voorhees or heard the name Camp Crystal Lake. I remembered it being much worse (bloody) than it actually was. I also thought there was lots of nudity. Maybe there was in the movies that followed, but this first one wasn’t bad.

10-15-06 Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte – This is one of those freaky Bette Davis movies that you just have to love. It’s in black and white and was filmed in 1964. There are many surprising, graphic elements in this movie. It’s one of many Bette Davis movies I love.

10-20-06 Brokeback Mountain – This was a wonderful love story that touched my heart. It’s one of those movies that make you think for a long time afterwards. Watching Jake Gyllenhaal wasn’t too bad either 😉

10-21-06 Halloween – This is another movie that I remembered as being very bloody. In all actuality, I don’t believe there was ANY blood in this movie. There may have been some residue on the knife, but other than that – no blood. That’s not too shabby for a classic horror film.

10-24-06 Throw Momma from the Train – I have no idea what got me in the mood to watch this movie. I hadn’t seen it since I was about 16 years old. I still enjoyed it and found it funny. With Danny DeVito and Billy Crystal, you pretty much know the movie will be funny.

10-27-06 Firewall – In this movie, Harrison Ford plays a security specialist who is forced to rob his own bank. This is a drama, but also very suspenseful. I would definitely watch it again.

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