My FitBit

I’ve been wearing a FitBit for years to track how many steps I take each day. You can set your goal for any number you choose, but mine is set for 10,000 steps. Once I get 10,000 steps, the app flashes a few times and the FitBit itself vibrates in case I wasn’t looking at my phone at the time.

The FitBit also tracks how many flights of steps I climbed that day, how much time I walked, how many calories I burned and how many miles I walked. It also lets me know my current heart rate and my sleep score. I could care less about the sleep score. In my opinion, it is what it is. If I slept well, that’s okay, but if I didn’t sleep well, I just hope for better rest the next night.

There are many virtual badges I can earn through FitBit. Some badges are earned by taking a certain number of steps in a day, while others are earned by how many steps I have taken the entire time I have owned the FitBit.

After years of wearing the FitBit, I just realized it was keeping track of the number of consecutive days I had reached my personal goal of 10,000 steps. It was exciting to check in every day to see the number of days increase.

When we left for vacation, I was about twenty days away from getting 10,000 steps for an entire year – 365 days. I made up my mind that even though we were going on vacation, I would make certain to get my steps in so I could see how my FitBit would celebrate my success of an entire year. I don’t know what I was expecting it to do. I mean, it already flashes and vibrates daily. I guess I was expecting a badge for completing one full year.

There were a few days of vacation where I definitely would not have made it to 10,000 if I hadn’t been trying. This was a laid-back vacation, so many hours were spent on the beach. Kevin and Ashley knew about my yearly goal though, so they were very supportive when on two occasions, I paced back and forth in the hotel room because I needed a few thousand additional steps.

Yesterday, was my 365th day. I watched the app counting the steps as I got closer and closer to my goal. I even had Kevin film the app on my phone so I could record the momentous occasion. I just knew a special badge was certainly forthcoming.

Imagine my shock and disappointment when nothing happened. There were no bombs bursting in air, no special badge, nada. It was a day like any other day. The only difference was, I knew. I knew and Kevin knew.

I feel like Charlie Brown, “I got a rock”.

One Reply to “My FitBit”

  1. Oh man….way to go FitBit for being a total JerkBit 😒
    Yay you, Tami! That’s an incredible accomplishment. I walk from the bed to the bathroom to the kitchen and back to bed. 🙈

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