The Black Market

From The Past: July 23, 2006

Yesterday we went to the mall and visited Hot Topic. While browsing the merchandise on the wall, a teenager with braces on her teeth turned to me and said, “My mom won’t come in here.”

“Really, why not? It’s not so bad in here.” I responded.

“Well, actually, I won’t let her because every time she does, she makes fun of the people in here.” was her response.

“I would never do that.” I told her.

I meant it too.

Anyway, check out the awesome Alice in Wonderland light switch cover I found:

I love it!

After we left the mall, we did some shopping around the Maxwell Street/High Street area. I bought two bottles of perfumed oil at a shop called The Black Market:

One is Egyptian Goddess and the other White Musk. They smell SO good!


One Reply to “The Black Market”

  1. The Alice light switch cover is so cool! Did you get it? I like Hot Topic except for one thing…it’s such a tight space usually. I’m not claustrophobic or anything but I do feel a bit overwhelmed and closed in when I’m in there. 😬 Probably even more so now since the pandemic.

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