Something Happy

From The Past: July 8, 2006

Since we signed up for a PetSmart card, they have sent Guido a card for his birthday each year and a certificate for a free toy of our choice up to $6.

His second birthday is fast approaching, so we went ahead and used the certificate. Since we found that Guido enjoys playing with soft toys much more than hard ones, Kevin chose this adorable, plush frog:

Needless to say, he loved it …

… even when I tried to tease him with it.

This is how he behaves when he knows we are leaving though:

Forget being grateful for the toy. Forget playing or being happy. Forget everything. All he knows when we are leaving is to be depressed.

It is sad.

People say dogs cannot understand what we say, but they are wrong – dead wrong.

The boy knows what we say and he gets depressed. It makes me feel like a horrible mother to leave him home alone. At least we let him have the run of most of the house when we are gone and we do leave the T.V. on Nickelodeon or something clean for him to watch.

* We used to leave the T.V. on Animal Planet until I came home one day and saw an operation on a dog in progress. I’m sure that made him feel good!

What was the point of this post – oh yea, Guido got a new toy, a cute toy, and that is a good thing – a thing to be HAPPY about! End of story!



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