She Was Fired!

From The Past: September 21, 2005

As I pulled in my driveway this afternoon, my neighbor pulled in hers as well. She told me she was fired from Wal-Mart. She worked in the food section in the back of the store where you can get something to eat or drink.

She said she has thousands of gerbils at her house, so she is trying to give some away. A coworker told her she would take some, so my neighbor took the gerbils in Wal-Mart where she and the coworker had agreed to meet. She said they were in the very back of the store by the trashcans, however when the manager found out he became irate. He told her she was stupid and she had put all of her coworkers in jeopardy. He also told her the gerbils could have contaminated the food.

I can clearly see where the manager is coming from and I do agree with him; she should not have brought them to work, especially near the food area. I would just like to point out though – Wal-Mart used to sell gerbils themselves! Also, I do believe the bird population in that place has increased.

I don’t know that I would have fired her. Probation or suspension would have been better in my opinion.

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