Secret Hate

Nothing I can say on this subject is going to change anyone’s habits or mind, so I feel like I am wasting my time. Then again, it’s really bothering me and has been on my mind. I’m thinking once I get my feelings out there, I can move on.

It’s kind of like a bad dream. Have you ever heard if you have a bad dream, the best way to not have a repeat of that dream is to tell someone about it? I don’t know if that’s true or not, but here goes.

It is my opinion that many, many “influencers” secretly hate themselves. There is a particular family I am specifically thinking of, but I won’t spell out their name here. We’ll call them The K Family.

The K Family has millions of followers, mainly young, impressionable girls. Each member of The K Family has totally changed their looks from head to toe. They have had their bodies sucked, plumped, filled, molded, sculpted, injected, you name it and they have probably had it done.

Have you ever stopped to think how much they must truly hate themselves to go to those lengths to literally change everything? How much must they hate themselves to never post a picture without editing it first? To never post anything unfiltered or in a normal stance and not posed is sad to me and I don’t understand why in the world grown women want to follow these FAKE people. That’s what they are – FAKES! Nothing about them is real. They are not selling you anything they were born with.

These same FAKE people, are selling makeup products. Guess what?! Those products did not make them look the way they do. Remember, they were sucked, plumped, filled, molded, sculpted and injected to look the way they do. If you don’t have The K Family money, you are never going to look anything like they do. I don’t care how much you spend on their beauty products.

I do not believe that ANYONE who gets Botox or fillers has any business selling beauty products. It is a conflict of interest. If you want to sell me a beauty product, show me what it really did for you. Don’t come to me with photo-shopped pictures and a face that is constantly under the knife. And don’t come to me with a different face in person than is in all of your pictures.

Recently, there has been a big push on Instagram for body positivity. Maybe it’s been around longer and I am just becoming privy to it, but one of the people I follow posts lots of body positivity pictures. Other people who I don’t necessarily follow, but check in on once a week, have begun posting these same types of photos.

I like it that these are real women with real bodies. I’m not talking about super obese bodies because I don’t think that’s any healthier than a person with anorexia. I’m talking about a woman who has given birth to four kids, showing how her stomach really looks. No photo-shop, no sucking it in or trying to hide. I respect that. I respect the realness of these women.

I wish I could convince young girls and women to unfollow The K Family and all of these other “influencers” who post fake pictures. I wish I could make people understand, it’s okay to have wrinkles. It’s okay to age. Aging is normal. Cellulite is normal. Don’t be so hard on yourself and don’t hold yourself up to fake people who post fake pictures of themselves. You will be so much happier when you can accept yourself.

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