Driving Again

From The Past: April 4, 2005

This past Friday Andrew took his written permit test and passed. The permit allows him to drive on the road with a licensed driver in the car. You have to have your permit for six months before you are allowed to take the road test. Back when I was 16, you only had to wait three months. As a parent, I am happy they increased the time.

While he was taking the test, Ashley turned to me and said, “You’d better hope that he passes this test.”

Why?” I asked.

Because if he fails, he’s going to be in a BAD mood.” She said.

She is too smart for her own good. Lucky for us he did pass and was elated for the rest of the day. Just as soon as we walked in the door, he was calling his girlfriend to tell her the good news. I’m sure I did the same thing when I got mine. If he is ready, he can take the road test in September.

I took him out to practice Sunday after church. First, we went to a parking lot, then through the cemetery, and then through a subdivision. He is doing all right, but sometimes tends to bear towards the right too much.

I have seen driving shows in England where the learners have a big sticker they place on the back of the car with the letter ‘L’ for learner. I wish so much that we had a system like this. I would just like to let a person know they are on the road with someone who is learning. In other words – get out of dodge!

Now all I keep hearing is, “When can we go driving again?”

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