Clothes: Then & Now

From The Past: April 2, 2005

This picture is hilarious, so I hope that you can see it clearly. Guido is sitting in Ashley’s lap watching her play The Sims. If you look closely, you might even be able to see his little leg hanging off the side of the chair.

It is cold, rainy, and just plain ugly outside today, so I took this opportunity to get Ashley’s closet and armoire drawers straightened. I put her winter clothes away, except for a few shirts, and got the summer stuff out. She was trying on clothes for an hour. It’s amazing how many clothes she has outgrown since last summer! She has plenty of shirts and dresses. I just need to focus on buying her some dress code shorts for school and some blue jean shorts for home. Seeing that there are only six weeks left of school, I won’t have to buy many!

Currently (2021): It’s SO ironic that I wrote about Ashley trying clothes on this same day 16 years ago because tonight, we went to the mall together and she tried on lots of dresses. I haven’t been with her to try on clothes since the last time I mentioned it on here, so it does amuse me that the date was the same.

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