Dan & Connie

This afternoon, Kevin and I had a very enjoyable lunch with Dan and Connie. We had only “met” via Instagram, so it was a pleasure to spend a few hours over lunch getting to know them better. Dan is from Tennessee and Connie is from Estill County, Kentucky. They currently reside in New York, but are visiting Richmond and figured it would be a great time to meet.

We met at Malone’s for lunch and hit it off immediately. Both Dan and Connie are people we could spend a lot of time with. If they lived closer, I’m sure we would have some fun game nights together. You never know, that could always happen since they are toying with the idea of moving. They aren’t quite sure where they’ll land yet, but I think it’s exciting they can move anywhere. Dan is a biology instructor and Connie is a nurse, so the world is their oyster.

Kevin is part of the Kentucky Retirement System so if we were to move, he would be starting all over again with a new system. Believe it or not, Kevin only has FOUR more years until he can retire. That’s amazing to think about.

Below is a picture of Kevin and I with Dan & Connie. I am so happy we met them. I believe we have made friends for life.

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