Celebrity Disappointment: Then & Now

From The Past: March 13, 2005

Prompted by the Michael Jackson trial, on the radio they have been discussing the celebrities who have disappointed people in one way or another. They took calls from people around the United States to get their opinions. These were a few celebrities that were discussed:

* Sean Connery – Apparently, he gave an interview years ago and stated that women needed to be slapped around every now and then to straighten them out.

* Michael Jackson – accused of child molestation

* Woody Allen – took naked pictures of his adopted step-daughter and ended up marrying her

* George Michael – propositioned for a sex act in a public bathroom and accepted

* Hillary Rodham Clinton – The caller said she could no longer respect Hillary after all that Bill put her through with the affair. She said if it was a one-time thing, it may have been possible to forgive him, but since it was habitual, she could never forgive him.

Those were the names given. I can understand how they would feel that way although not all of them have disappointed me personally. I have a few more to add though:

* Paul Reubens AKA Pee Wee Herman – Got caught in a public movie theatre pleasuring himself. I still watch Pee Wee, I just feel like he should have taken care of his business at home.

*Cindy Crawford – It disappoints me that she posed in Playboy. I had hoped she could show how beautiful she is and keep her clothes on at the same time. No such luck!

*Bill Cosby – “aggravated indecent assault”

Currently (2021) These days, I am disappointed with Lori Loughlin, Felicity Huffman, Cuba Gooding Jr., R Kelly, Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein. I’m sure there are others, but these are the names that come to mind first.

I’m curious; what star or famous person has disappointed you and why?

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