The New Kroger

From The Past: March 4, 2005

Sometimes you start thinking about an event in your childhood for no reason. I did some reflecting this morning as I was taking the kids to school. I have no idea what triggered this memory, but it’s a good memory so I will share. There’s no point to all of this so don’t expect one. This is just something I remembered so I want to tell you about it.

Before my dad retired, he was a police officer. Whenever anything new was being built or coming to town, he made it his business to find out about it. He never met a stranger so it was easy for him to get information.

When I was about ten years old, we heard about a new Kroger being built. It was going to be bigger and better than anything we had seen. We were excited! Finally, the night came when the new Kroger opened and dad walked my mom, my sister, and me around. He showed us everything with pride as if it were his own store. You see, he had already been through the place and had everything shown to him, so he was excited to get to show it to us.

We saw the floral department. It was full of beautiful flowers and colorful balloons. When you walked through, it smelled just like a flower shop; not a grocery store. He showed us the new cafe where people could buy coffee and sit in booths and talk or they could order an entire dinner and eat with their families!

The thing that my sister and I oohed and aahed over was the pizza/cheese booth! It was in a circular shape and all around the outside of the kiosk there were items to make your own pizza, bread sticks, crackers, and all sorts of goodies. They had free samples of cheese and bread sticks and my sister and I thought that was awesome.

Lastly, we saw the bakery where they made the cakes. It had a high counter with a glass front. Here, they could display all the different cakes that were available. The smell was wonderful!

I can remember walking out of there thinking I couldn’t wait to go back! Now, the Winchester, Kroger built an even bigger building and moved. The store I was telling you about is now the home of Big Lots. Every time we walk in there, I think how small it is and am amazed it was ever big enough to be Kroger.


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