After Surgery Update

From The Past: February 22, 2005

This weekend we watched the movie Phone Booth and I can give you a little tip. If you watch the theatrical trailer, you can skip the movie altogether. The trailer literally tells the entire story and the movie is LESS than an hour and a half. It’s only about 75 minutes without letting the credits run! With that said, it was a good story although the language was bad. If I had paid to see this in the theatre, I would have been ticked. Then again, if I had rented this for $4, I would have been ticked. We borrowed it for FREE at the public library. That’s the only way to watch this movie – FREE.

At Andrew’s request, we also watched Spider-Man 2. He had already seen it, but wanted us to see it too. This was a really good movie as was the first one. Watching Spider-Man puts me in the mood to watch all of the Superman movies again. I don’t think Andrew or Ashley has seen any of them all the way through.

Currently (2021): The day after dad’s surgery, his back ached terribly and he was short of breath. They did make sure that he was out of bed and sitting in a chair though. He was served roast beef as his first meal after surgery. He said to someone who hadn’t eaten in a while, it tasted pretty good.

I was thinking he would be moved to a different building for rehab, but that’s not the case. He will only have to move to a different floor of the hospital which is nice. He said if he had to choose any time of year to have this surgery, this was the time to have it; while it’s cold and icy and snowy. He said if it was during the summer, it would have bothered him to not be able to sit outside and smell the grass. He is really hoping to be released before the weekend.

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