About eight months ago, my sister found some granola in Costco that she was crazy about. I don’t remember the brand, but that’s not important to this story anyway. She couldn’t find this granola anywhere else at the time and Costco sold it in larger bags which is a plus, so she asked my dad if he would pick her up a few bags on his next trip and she would pay him back.
My dad likes to check things off of his to-do list as much as the next person, so he went straight to Costco for Jennifer and purchased the granola. The problem was that she didn’t tell him how much to buy. Now, if this had been me or you, we probably would have bought two bags – maybe even three bags. Not my dad though. He came through the door with $260 of granola. I thought Jennifer was going to crap her pants. She wasn’t prepared to spend almost $300 in GRANOLA. Who is?! So, when she told me what he had done, I bought two bags from her. This was before the pandemic and she was still going into work, so I told her that she should try to sell some of the bags to her coworkers. I have no idea if she was able to or if she even tried though.
So, jump to today. Someone posted a picture on Instagram of Premier Protein at Sam’s Club. It was on sale at $13.48 for a 12-pack. Jennifer and Jon live off of Premier Protein – they love the stuff. As a matter of fact, Jon’s doctor told him that his burns healed so quickly because of the amount of protein he had been drinking! Who knew?!
So, I saw the picture on Instagram and sent it to Jennifer in a text.
This is how our text messages went:
You’ll notice in the text above that I suggested she tell him EXACTLY how many she wanted. This is because of the whole granola incident. You see where this story is going …..
She called me around 1:30 this afternoon and was completely devastated. Unfortunately, she had not taken my advice. Dad went to Sam’s Club and spent over $800 in Premier Protein. EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS. And they weren’t even the price that I had seen in the Instagram photo! At our Sam’s Club they were $17 each. But, wait! There’s more!
You could only get FIVE cases for $17 each. After that, they were $21 each. So, she is about to die. I don’t drink Premier Protein, so I can’t help her at all with this one. And you might be thinking, well your dad could just return them.
There’s no way. That’s not my dad’s personality at all. He would be absolutely furious if she asked him to return them. But who spends over $800 for Premier Protein? That’s just not logical thinking.
Her plan is to have him store the cases in his garage and she will buy them as needed. She probably goes through a case each week, but I bet he won’t be happy with that at all. I also bet that Jennifer never asks him to buy anything for her again.
Return them!
This story was so entertaining; also a very interesting fact about the protein and the healing speed! I remember the granola Jennifer loves because you mentioned it in a video. It was the Nature’s Path Organic Grain Free Caramel Pecan granola: https://www.naturespath.com/en-us/products/natures-path-foods/caramel-pecan-grain-free-granola/
I hope everything works out with the Premier Protein though!
YES! That’s it! I can’t believe you remembered that!