Paper Dolls: Then & Now

From The Past: July 13, 2004

Ashley set up her paper dolls and played happily. That was until Church, the King Kong of cats, found out where she was.

As I tried to take her picture, Church smacked her in the face. He got mad because he wanted to knock down her makeshift paper doll houses. Luckily, he has no front claws.

As I took another picture, he successfully knocked down a house.

As Ashley poses Church rolls around on the paper house.

Here he is very happy to be sitting on some paper. He’s the same way with backpacks. This bad feline behavior put an end to Ashley’s happy play. Where did Church go? To have a lie down back on her bed!

Currently (2020) This post made me wonder if paper dolls were still being made. I found some really interesting ones on Amazon:

They have an entire section of Paper Dolls For Adults. Here are just a few:

They also have a section of paper dolls for kids. I’m impressed that they are still being made although I don’t personally know any children that play with them.

One more thing that I have to share is this Victorian Dolls House & The White House.

They are both Pop-Up books. I own three random pop-up books and the grand kids DO love them because they don’t have anything like them at their house. They know that when they are at Nanny’s house, they have to be extra careful 😉

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