Derby Pie Recipe

Happy Derby Day! You can’t enjoy the Derby properly without a delicious Derby Pie. It’s very easy to make. Watch the video here

and then come back for the written directions.

Derby Pie


2 eggs slightly beaten

1 cup sugar

½ cup flour

1 stick butter melted & cooled

1 cup pecans or walnuts

1 cup chocolate chips

1 tsp. vanilla

1 unbaked pie shell


Combine the ingredients in the order listed above. Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until set.

2 Replies to “Derby Pie Recipe

  1. I used this recipe and switched chocolate chips and used the Bailey’s Irish Creme chips you had in your cookie video. SOOOOO GOOD!!!!! Now I’m going to make Bailey’s fudge.

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