
Currently (2019): I don’t know how I ever lived without air conditioning. As most of you know, we are currently living in my childhood home. A little over a year after my mom died, we bought the house from my dad because he decided that he wanted something on one level.

For my entire childhood, this house had no air conditioning at all. We used window fans which was better than nothing and we had two window air conditioners. We would close rooms off to keep them cool, but many times we would just sit in front of the fans which seemed to only blow warm air on really hot days. I remember yelling and singing into the fan in order to change my voice.

I don’t recall what year it was when mom and dad had air conditioning installed downstairs. Once you have it though, you don’t ever want to go back. The upstairs still has no heat or air. In the winter, it’s freezing cold and, in the summer, it’s like walking into a sauna. I remember when mom was going through chemo, she would stay cold all the time, so many days during the summer, she would go upstairs to lay down and get warm. She could have turned the air up downstairs, but she didn’t want to make anyone else uncomfortable. That was mom.

I’m just thinking about all of this as I sit here with the cool air blowing on my feet. It feels so good. It may not seem like a blessing to some people, but to me, it is something to be grateful for.

The Past: May 3, 2003

We Have Babies!

Today was a planned stay-at-home-day. We decided this morning that we would stay in and watch both Star Wars movies. We saw The Phantom Menace in the theatre way back when it came out, but never saw Attack of the Clones. So, in order to remember everything that happens, we watched both of them. Speaking from a woman’s point of view, I enjoyed Attack of the Clones much better than The Phantom Menace. For some reason I just thought it was smoother and easier to understand. The beginning of The Phantom Menace was kind of confusing. I felt like they jumped right into things without a lot of explanation. I can’t wait to see the third movie: Episode III, but it’s not due out until 2005. By that time, I will have to watch them all over again!!!

In the past week every time that we checked on the Robin’s nest out back, mamma Robin was in there keeping her eggs warm. Today we went out back and she wasn’t there, so we took that opportunity to take a peek in the nest knowing that the eggs should be close to hatching or already hatched. Ashley saw pink and fuzz and totally freaked out, so I told Kevin to grab the camera. I’m telling you; I didn’t even breathe while I was taking these pictures!

Thankfully, mamma Robin came back just as soon as I was finished. I think she knew that I was just looking – not touching – not breathing.

One Reply to “Air”

  1. I lived in an apartment for 19 years-on the 2nd floor-without air conditioning and I had the South-East apartment so almost never got a cross-breeze. One summer we had a heat-wave of 100+ degree days where it was still 92 when I went to work at Midnight. After meeting Marlowe though-we bought an air conditioner for her where she lived since I would stay over and when she moved in with me-she brought hers and we bought another for the living room. I don’t know haw I went so long without it. After 8 years with her and air conditioning-I just can’t even conceive of it.

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