A Lot of Trust

Currently (2019): You’ll have to excuse my lack of blogging. Gavin and Amelia decided they wanted to spend a few nights at Nanny and Papa’s house. I think their favorite time of day is bath time. They take a bath one at a time. After they have washed, I allow them to play until the water is too cool for them to enjoy. Amelia enjoys listening to Disney music whereas Gavin likes to make his own noise. Ha! Ha!

I took this picture of Chapel with Gavin because Chapel is showing a lot of trust here:

He must know that Gavin isn’t going to pull his hair or tail. Gavin loves this Star Wars version of Monopoly because of the figures.

One-minute Amelia was watching a movie and the next, she was fast asleep:

The Past: May 2, 2003

Working Girl

Today was full of surprises. I found out that the person that I worked with before Christmas resigned yesterday afternoon. It was very sudden, so they needed someone immediately. They called and asked me if I could come back starting Monday morning for $1 more than I was getting (which was pretty good!) an hour. Needless to say, I accepted the position and I will be a working girl again on Monday.

This afternoon, my brilliant, wonderful, talented husband fixed our air conditioning. He had never taken the blower/fan unit apart, but did it like a pro anyway. The reason that the fan would not turn is because it had 20+ years of dust built up on it! You could tell that it had NEVER been cleaned. I’m sure that us smoking for six years (we have quit now) didn’t help it any either. It took a while to get the build-up off. It wasn’t a matter of just blowing the dust off; you had to actually scrape it off because it was stuck like glue. Once everything was cleaned and put back together, Kevin turned it on and we felt air come out of vents that we had never felt before. It was so amazing the difference that it made. We have since had to turn up the temperature so that it won’t feel like the North Pole in here.

The last major thing that we did was clean out the refrigerator. Here’s what it looks like now:

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