Blueberry Lemon Pie Bars

Currently (2019):

Today on my YouTube channel there is a video posted of me making Blueberry Lemon Pie Bars.

They are fairly easy to make, and if you like lemon, these are the bars for you! You can find the recipe by clicking on the link:

The Past: April 20, 2003

An Easter Surprise

About a week ago, Ashley noticed a bird’s nest on the inside of her and Andrew’s fort. I told her not to touch it, but I showed her how the bird had made the nest perfectly round. She was amazed!

Tonight, we went out back and I noticed that there was a Robin in the nest. We took a picture of her as she sat very still.

After a little while, she flew off. Ashley carefully climbed up to take a peek in her nest and this is what she saw.

Ashley is so happy that we didn’t remove the nest. She said amazed, “That’s nature’s way!”

Happy Easter everyone!

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