We’ll Do It Tomorrow

Currently (2019): Last night, while Kevin and I were walking around the neighborhood, I asked if he minded if we walked an extra block so that I could take a picture of something. The sky was blue and the weather was perfect. Long story short, he didn’t feel like it because we had just finished eating a big dinner. He said, “we’ll do it tomorrow”. To which I responded, “but what if it’s raining?”

Well …… it’s been cold, raining and gloomy as can be all day today. As a matter of fact, I had to wear my winter coat when we went grocery shopping this afternoon. I actually had thought about hanging it in the closet because I didn’t think I would have to wear it again until this fall. That being said, I do recall wearing my winter coat many times on Easter Sunday. The funny thing is that most Easter dresses are lightweight, sleeveless or have short sleeves, so I always find it ironic when we have to wear our winter coats.

The Past: April 19, 2003

Easter Egg Hunt

This picture was taken at the public library this morning. They had an Easter Egg Hunt and this was before it started.

The race for the eggs had begun! Ashley ended up getting 8 eggs.

Later this morning, she collected 17 eggs at the Easter Egg Hunt at Wal-Mart.

After we went to the Easter Egg Hunt we went to my sister’s house because she called and said that she had something to show me. Take a look at the picture below to see what it was.

After that little surprise, we went to The Lexington Cemetery. The dogwood trees, bushes, and tulips are in their full glory right now.

One Reply to “We’ll Do It Tomorrow”

  1. I was just thinking about Home Alone ! KEVIN! ! he’s in trouble! Ha ha 😁 We’ve had sunny but cold weather here in the UK but today has been warm and sunny. The barbecues have started already 😕 going to be even warmer tomorrow, so out come the summer clothes ,that’s if anything fits after eating so much chocolate. 😢Happy Easter! 🐰🐣🐖

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