Food In My Purse

Kevin and I went and visited with Gavin, Amelia and Christina today (Andrew was still at work). I have gotten into the habit of taking them a little toy when we visit. They look forward to it and it’s adorable to see them close their eyes and hold out their hands. Today, I took them two of these PooPeez:

I only bought them because they were on sale. Trust me, I’m not about the “poop” toys and games that are available these days. These little figures don’t actually look bad to me though; they just look like cute miniature figures. Gavin has a big collection since I bought them in bulk.

We had been sitting on the couch talking for a while when Amelia said in her sweetest little voice, “I know you have food in your purse.” She doesn’t miss anything. I had some M&M’s Minis and some Fruit Adventure Tic Tacs

Which one do you think she asked for?

BOTH! She went to her room and picked out a doll’s cup and brought it to me to fill. I’m just glad her mom doesn’t mind.

4 Replies to “Food In My Purse

  1. I’m surprised Christina’s so laid back about the sweets since she’s into healthy eating, but it’s nice that she lets the kids have treats when grandma comes.

  2. I enjoy your videos so much. Thank You for the cleaning videos, they are encouraging me to get busy on my house lol

  3. I think treats should be saved till something special happens and I remember seeing my grandparents was a special day I was never so happy to be with them.. You have a great relationship with your family that’s a blessing!

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