A Failed Easter Cheesecake

Currently (2019): On Friday, I found a new recipe for a no-bake Easter themed cheesecake. I was really excited to get it filmed and uploaded to my YouTube channel before Easter this coming weekend. I bought all the necessary ingredients and prepared the pie last night (Saturday). I followed the recipe to a T. It was supposed to set for a minimum of 6 hours, however, I left it in the refrigerator overnight so that Kevin and I could review it this morning. It was a very pretty pie, but it did not set at all. When I cut into it, the entire center was almost runny. I’ll show you a picture of it here because I deleted the video footage. Once cut and placed on a dessert plate, it turned into a soupy mess.

It’s annoying to spend money and time on something, only to have it fail. I have no idea where it went wrong since I did everything correctly.

Andrew came over today and we did a lot of reviews together, so you will start seeing videos including him beginning this Wednesday. After he left us, he and Christina visited the Lexington Cemetery to take Easter pictures. Here is one of them:

Kevin and I took a walk and it was beautiful:

We played 500 Rummy on the front porch. I was the lucky one today and won 545 to 335.

The Past: April 13, 2003


Today is simply beautiful outside. My plants and flowers are in full bloom and the weeping willow is doing great despite the ice storm a few months ago. Take a look at the pic.

Here is one of my tulips close up. It has finally opened all the way.

Here is my bleeding heart. I think it was supposed to be a plant, but it has become a bush. It is VERY healthy and beautiful and will probably be twice this size by the end of the summer.

Here are a few of the bushes out front and another tulip. I plan to plant more bushes this summer in the back yard and also on the side of the house.

4 Replies to “A Failed Easter Cheesecake

  1. Oh, sorry about your Easter cheesecake! The pic of your grandchildren is so sweet They are truly adorable. I love all your spring pictures, Kentucky is extra special in the springtime. Thanks for sharing.🤗

  2. I would’ve liked to see the “failed” video! It’s just as informative, and entertaining, as a negative review–which is basically what it is, of the recipe. I hope it doesn’t deter you from trying fun new recipes, especially holiday themed ones. Gavin is becoming such a handsome man!

  3. Gavin and Amelia are adorable, you are so lucky to have them 😊 I hate day to day cooking it’s just so boring but necessary! I do like to bake though and always follow the recipies, but the joke in this house is always Me….would you like a piece of cake? Hubby. ….did you make it? No …Yes, then I’d love a piece! ! 😕Lol.😁 I think some of these recipes are just wrong.

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