
Currently (2019): A few days ago, I watched the Netflix documentary, Abducted in Plain Sight. It’s about a Mormon family who makes friends with a new family in their church. The dad in the new family, a pedophile, becomes obsessed with their daughter, who I believe was 12 years old at the time. I’m not going to try to explain it all here because it’s such a twisted tale, but I have to say that I have never heard of two more ignorant, gullible parents in my life.  The word oblivious does not do them justice.

To say the events that occurred are disturbing is an understatement. The parents are to blame for their daughter’s drugging, rape and abduction and were more concerned with their own reputations than they were for their own daughter. I would never, never trust them again. To be honest, I think they deserved some sort of punishment as well. If you don’t have Netflix, you can rent it here for only 99 cents. https://amzn.to/2HPpajj


The Past: April 1, 2003

Anne Rice

I forgot to mention that I finished Blackwood Farm Saturday night. https://amzn.to/2I65qY6 What a wonderful book! It was over five hundred pages long and well worth the money. I have read on Anne Rice’s web site that she plans to write one more book about the Mayfair witches and the vampires and then that will be the end. I will be very sad to no longer get updates on all of the characters through her wonderful books. Wouldn’t it be brilliant if every now and then Anne posted an update on her web site about certain characters that she had “run into?” I think that would be awesome! She has said that she plans to do something different with her career. My guess is that she will become a full-fledged Catholic writer; maybe Catholic fiction? She is certainly knowledgeable enough. I really think that she could pull it off. She could be like Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, the authors of The Left Behind series. They have taken the book of Revelation and made it into a story that we can all understand while keeping with the Bible. Those books are fabulous too, I might add. https://amzn.to/2WBaebL

Anyway, Anne Rice could choose stories and characters from the Bible and put them into a setting and language that might lure people to read her version that might have never picked up the Bible.

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