New-To-Me Movies

Currently (2019): This afternoon, Gavin and Amelia came over for a few hours. We watched Ralph Breaks The Internet. 

Kevin and I have never watched the first Wreck It Ralph movie, but seeing how good this second movie was, we will definitely be watching the first one as well.

After they left, Ashley wanted me to watch her favorite musical, the 1986 version of Little Shop of Horrors.

Believe it or not, I had never seen it. I saw so many famous faces though; Rick Moranis, Steve Martin, John Candy, Bill Murray and Jim Belushi just to name a few. I liked the music and would probably see the Broadway show if the opportunity were to present itself.

The post below from 2003 is SO ironic because the weather yesterday was 75 and sunny and today it was in the low 40’s. Once you read the post, you will see what I mean.

The Past: March 31, 2003

Nine Weeks

I added it up! The kids only have nine more weeks of school left. Nine! Andrew will only be in middle school for nine more weeks. Ashley only has nine more weeks in the first grade. For now, we will keep studying for spelling tests, doing math problems, checking papers and reading stories. Actually, the stories won’t stop at the end of the school year. Ashley loves to read books and Andrew reads his magazines, so there is still plenty of reading to be done.

In other news – boy did the weather turn cold over night! We had to turn the heat back on yesterday. The high was only 41. Wow! No wonder Kevin and I were sniffling and sneezing this morning!

No, I didn’t blog yesterday. I was too busy being a bum. I stayed in my night clothes all day, as did Ashley, and watched TV. Kevin and I watched more episodes of Star Trek: TNG on DVD. We are still on season 2 with tons more to go. Riker seems to be getting more arrogant, a quality that really bugs me. Hopefully, he won’t stay that way.

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